It has been a while since my last post, but as they say: better late than never. Last weekend I went on something you may call a mini pilgrimage: back to where it all started. In Algemesi, in 2011, we went to see our first real village FIESTA, complete with bull fights, real Spanish food, beach and wine, lots of wine.
This time it felt very different: still very exciting, the novelty is no longer there but the finer appreciation of the Spanish lifestyle and fiestas is much more present now.
Our Valencian friends have hosted me as always, we saw 2 corridas, including one with Portuguese bull fighters on the horses. Plenty of style, color and noise. We sampled some of the best Valencian rice, walked along the beach and enjoyed (a little too much) the sun drenched terraces that serve 2 euro beer from 8 am in the morning till late late at night.
The highlight was going for breakfast at about 10:30 am to the Orange Growers cooperative dining hall. It was full of people of all ages. Breakfast included a salad, red wine, olives, sandwiches with squid and tortilla patata. Needless to say that after breakfast like this it is hard to think of anything other than siesta. But wait, there is no time, given that at 14:00 we were booked for lunch at the local restaurant called Casino. And then bulls, and then dinner, and then....sleeeeeep......
Viva la FIESTA!
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